I was working on the functionality of Documents of Records and found some ways to create categories from the front end as well as the backend. You will find the quicksteps to configure and use documents of record in my blog post http://plsql-apps.blogspot.co.at/2013/09/hrms-functionality-quick-tips-to-start.html
Defining documents of record configuration from backend involves adding lookup values to already existing lookup type 'DOCUMENT_CATEGORY' and entering categories / subcategories in Shared Types and then finally registering your document type by running a concurrent program 'Register Document Type'. You can check how to create and add lookup types / values using APIs in the blog post http://plsql-apps.blogspot.co.at/2013/09/script-oracle-applications-package-to.html
The below script is to load data into the shared types table using standard API, which automatically inserts data into the _vl table too.
Defining documents of record configuration from backend involves adding lookup values to already existing lookup type 'DOCUMENT_CATEGORY' and entering categories / subcategories in Shared Types and then finally registering your document type by running a concurrent program 'Register Document Type'. You can check how to create and add lookup types / values using APIs in the blog post http://plsql-apps.blogspot.co.at/2013/09/script-oracle-applications-package-to.html
The below script is to load data into the shared types table using standard API, which automatically inserts data into the _vl table too.
ln_shared_type_id NUMBER;
ln_object_version_number NUMBER;
per_shared_types_api.create_shared_type (p_business_group_id => 81,
p_shared_type_name => 'HR Test',
p_shared_type_code => 'HR_TEST',
p_system_type_cd => 'HR_INFO',
p_lookup_type => 'DOCUMENT_CATEGORY',
p_effective_date => TO_DATE ('07-08-2013',
p_shared_type_id => ln_shared_type_id,
p_object_version_number => ln_object_version_number
DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (ln_shared_type_id);
DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (ln_object_version_number);
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